Search & filter
The text box will turn into a search field where users can filter items from a list on the same page by text content.
Last updated
The text box will turn into a search field where users can filter items from a list on the same page by text content.
Last updated
This tag turns a text box into a search field where users can filter items from a list by text content.
The component works for API data or manually created lists (as in the example file) with separate containers for each item. It only filters content on the same page, it does not search app-wide.
📍 Where to add the tag: A text layer in a top-bar container
In case you use pagination, the search won't happen over the items that haven't been loaded yet in the app screen. In this case, we recommend implementing a backend search, so the search happens over the whole database.
1. Create a search bar design that includes a text box.
2. Make the text box as big as you want the input field to be.
3. Paste the tag into the layer name of the text box.
The search bar design must be placed in a top bar container.
4. Import to Bravo & preview on Bravo Vision 🚀
Duplicate the files below to see how to set it up!