Firebase Configuration
Completing the Firebase Configuration is mandatory to enable Firebase Integrations as to manage User Authentication and create Deep Links for your app.
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Completing the Firebase Configuration is mandatory to enable Firebase Integrations as to manage User Authentication and create Deep Links for your app.
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A Firebase project
Configuration files for each platform:
Android: google-services.json
iOS: GoogleService-Info.plist
1. Log in or create a Firebase account in the Firebase Console.
2. Once in the Firebase Console, create a new project or select an existing project you want to use.
3. If creating a new project, first fill in a project name.
4. Next, choose if you want Google Analytics support. If you do, keep it enabled (it's optional). You will need to link it to a Google Analytics account in the 3rd step. If not, disable it.
5. Finally, we create the project, it takes some seconds.
Now, you need to obtain the Firebase configuration files (GoogleService-Info.plist for iOS and google-services.json for Android) and upload them to Bravo.
The purpose of this configuration file is to create a link between our app and this Firebase project. So, if in the future, you want to connect to another Firebase project, you can do it by uploading a new Firebase configuration file in Bravo for each mobile platform (iOS and Android).
Depending on your needs, you can either:
Set up your Firebase Login for Bravo Vision (recommended for prototyping and testing)
Set up your Firebase Login for your live or published app (recommended for publishers)
In case you want to configure both Bravo Vision and live app for iOS and Android, you will need 4 files in total:
GoogleService-Info.plist for iOS Bravo Vision
google-services.json for Android Bravo Vision
GoogleService-Info.plist for iOS published app
google-services.json for Android published app
Follow these steps to obtain the configuration files for Bravo Vision:
If you don't have any app created in Firebase yet, follow the next steps as you need to create new Firebase configuration files to upload them to Bravo Studio.
Scroll down to Your apps section and click Add app.
Choose a platform (iOS or Android) and do the following depending on the platform:
Go to Project Overview (from the left menu), click the iOS symbol.
In Step 1, fill in the iOS Bundle ID for Bravo Vision with
Leave the rest blank, and click Register app.
In Step 2, download the file GoogleService-Info.plist and click Next.
The rest of the steps are not needed, so click Next for Steps 3 and 4.
To finish, in Step 5, click Continue to the console.
To verify that the app has been created, go to your Project Overview > General > Your apps.
Once having the Firebase configuration files, go back to Bravo Studio, select the App > Integrations tab > Firebase Config. If you're setting up the Firebase Configuration to manage user authentication, select the App > Integrations tab > Login > Enable Firebase Email/Password & Social Login.
Under "Activate Firebase services for Bravo Vision", upload the Firebase files in the corresponding fields.
After uploading the files, do not forget to Save the changes. Then, your Firebase configuration for Bravo Vision is completed!
Once you are ready to publish your app to the stores, you need to create new Firebase configuration files with the final bundle ID (for iOS) and package name (for Android) and upload them to Bravo Studio.
If you don't have any app created in Firebase yet, follow the next steps as you need to create new Firebase configuration files with the final bundle ID (for iOS) and package name (for Android) and upload them to Bravo Studio. Otherwise, add the missing params we mention:
Scroll down to Your apps section and click Add app.
Select a platform: iOS or Android.
Register the app and do the following depending on the platform:
Enter your Bundle ID
and App Store ID
. Remember you need to complete step 2 of the publishing process to have these parameters ready.
Where do I find the final Bundle ID (for iOS)?
When you have the necessary files for publication, use the same Bundle ID from the Bravo publication form for the final Firebase file. (Check how to set up the Bundle ID on the app publication process)
Once having the Firebase configuration files, go back to Bravo Studio, select the App > Integrations tab > Firebase Config.
Under "Activate Firebase services for final app", upload the Firebase files in the corresponding fields and do not forget to Save the changes.
Firebase integration has been updated in this app. Please request a new build and upload a new version to ensure your published app continues to work properly.
In case you already have a published app bundle, and you change these Firebase assets, you'll need to generate a new bundle and publish an update to the stores.
You must have a green check in order for that integration to work correctly on that platform you're setting up. If you're not setting up Firebase in a certain platform, you can ignore the warning icon.