Using the Xano API wizard

The Xano API Wizard automatically imports all requests from your Xano API groups & Instances to be available in your API collection to display data in your app.

How the Xano API Wizard works

1. In Data Library, click + New Collection and select Xano.

2. Follow the onscreen instructions to find your Xano API key. Click Continue.

3. Select the Instance from where you want to import the API group and click Continue.

4. Select the API group from where you want to import the API request and click Continue.

5. Select the API request you want to create your API collection. You can select all or one by one. Click Continue.

6. Your API collection will be created👏.

Check if there is any missing value or authentication settings you need to fill out in order to complete the configuration of your API requests.

7. You are done! Go back to your Projects and start binding data to your apps 🚀.

Last updated