📱Bravo Vision previewer

Bravo Vision is the previewer app for Bravo Studio. It is where you can preview the native app created from your design file and test all the features implemented in Bravo Studio.

Download Bravo Vision on your phone

Download on Android Google Play 👉 link here

Download on the iOS App Store 👉 link here

How to use Bravo Vision

To access your Bravo apps: Log in to Bravo Vision with the same credentials as Bravo Studio.

To access an app: On My apps screen, tap on an app icon to open the app.

Sync app with Bravo Studio

To update app with Bravo Studio or to refresh: Long press the screen to activate the menu, tap Sync app with Bravo Studio.

In the activated menu, tap "Disable automatic sync" so that whenever you update your project in Bravo Studio, Bravo Vision will also update.

Copy app page url

In order to get that URL, load the app in Bravo Vision, navigate to the page you want, long-press anywhere and click Copy app page URL (a share dialog will open so that you can send the URL using your preferred method).

Open troubleshooting tools

The Open troubleshooting tools will open the log with the latest events. The Event logger tool will allow you to debug and find the root of the API errors you encounter on Bravo Vision, as well as give you more visibility on the actions performed in the app while previewing it on Bravo Vision. For more details go to Event Logger.

Exit app

To exit the current app: Long press the screen to activate the menu, tap Exit app.

Last updated