✨Unlock power features to create interactive apps
Upgrade your free account to the Solo plan to add interaction to your app
Start your 7-day trial into the Solo plan to create powerful apps by giving power to the app users. Add functionalities that allow your users to engage and customise their experience with the app content. Take these steps to upgrade your app project!
Implement unlocked features
Take advantage of these premium features to add user-interactivity & advanced content configuration to your apps.
Check out the full list of features of the Bravo Solo plan
Advanced Apps add-on
If you subscribe to the Bravo Solo plan, you’ll be able to add to any of your apps an Advanced app add-on. Advanced app users benefit from our versioning feature to control when to push changes to their published app and publish whitelabelled apps (no Bravo's branding). You can have as many Advanced apps as you need!
Our Advanced pricing options include 89€ per app per month or a discounted rate of 890€ per app per year (2 months free).
Check our plan comparison and FAQ.
Use design & backend templates
Speed up your app building by starting with these ready-made setup, then customise them to your app case.
How to upgrade my account?
There are two different ways to upgrade your account to Bravo Solo:
Upgrade from the Bravo dashboard.
Upgrade inside Bravo Vision iOS. The upgrade pop-up will appear for every second app you close in Bravo Vision.
We’re here to help if you get stuck
It’s ok to not understand everything right away, here are the resources to help when you encounter these moments.
For Bravo Solo users: Ask our support team via email (Click the ? icon at the bottom right corner when you’re logged in to send a message)
For all users: Consult fellow Bravorizers in our community
Last updated