🖌️Get your Figma ready for Bravo

What is Bravorizing?

Bravorizing is the process of setting up your design file for being converted into a fully functional native app by Bravo Studio. This process ensures that your designs are optimized and compatible for a seamless conversion and app development experience.

Bravorizing generally consists of:

Learn the art of bravorizing through our beginner's guide video. Below, find step-by-step instructions for an easy setup process. To familiarize yourself with its setup, make sure it's already Bravorized. You can also duplicate this sample design file to learn more.

Learn how to set up your design file before importing it to Bravo:

🗃️Structuring the design: the layer hierarchy🧱The container🔌Bravo plugin for Figma🪄Bravo Tags: adding functionality to the UI elements📲App navigation💾Sample design files🤓Best Practices

Tutorial: Create your first app with Bravo

Follow this tutorial to learn how to create your first app with Bravo Studio. You will understand what Bravo is and its very basic concepts: Bravorizing, Bravo Tags, Binding and more:

Check out the complete tutorial here:

🚀Create your first app

Last updated