Set up with API wizard & importer

Bravo offers several methods to speed up setting up API requests with API wizards and importers:

  • Airtable wizard: connect to your Airtable base and create sample requests in an easy way.

  • Xano wizard: create all the requests needed to target your Xano API endpoints.

  • OpenAPI import: import a JSON file including API information with the OpenAPI specification.

  • Postman import: import a Postman collection in JSON format.

  • Swagger import: import a Swagger API in JSON format.

To create a new API collection with one of these methods, go to the Data Collections section and click on Create a new collection.

In case you use the OpenAPI, Postman or Swagger import, you'll get to choose which API requests you want to generate, from the ones available in the uploaded file.

After creating your API collection, you can further modify each request and select data paths.

API wizards & importer tutorials

Using the Airtable API Wizard

More coming soon!

Last updated