Get ready to create your app with ChatGPT

Learn how automating initial development stages can boost efficiency, enhance collaboration, and optimize your project workflow.


Bravo Workflow with ChatGPT

In this guide, we will explore how to leverage ChatGPT to automate the initial stages of app development. Emphasizing the importance of thorough upfront work, we will discuss how this can lead to greater efficiency and enhanced collaboration within your development team. We will focus on three key areas:

  1. User Stories: Ensuring functionality clarity by defining user stories.

  2. Database Schema: Organizing data effectively through a well-structured database schema.

  3. API Endpoints: Facilitating effective communication with clearly defined API endpoints.

By using these tools, you can significantly streamline the development process and improve project documentation. Let's dive in and see how ChatGPT can transform your app development workflow!

User Stories

What Are User Stories?

User stories are brief descriptions of a feature or function from the end-userโ€™s perspective. They help developers understand the requirements and functionality of the app.

How to Create User Stories

  1. Identify Key Users: Determine who will use your app. Common user types include administrators, regular users, and guests.

  2. Describe User Actions: For each user type, describe what actions they need to perform within the app.

  3. Structure User Stories: Use the format: โ€œAs a [user type], I want to [action] so that [benefit].โ€


  • User Story 1: As a registered user, I want to reset my password so that I can regain access to my account if I forget my password.

  • User Story 2: As an administrator, I want to view user activity logs so that I can monitor app usage and ensure security.

Database Schema

What Is a Database Schema?

A database schema is a blueprint that defines the structure of your database, including tables, fields, and relationships between them. It ensures data is organized and easily accessible.

How to Design a Database Schema

  1. Identify Data Entities: Determine what data entities (e.g., users, products, orders) your app will manage.

  2. Define Relationships: Establish how these entities are related (e.g., one-to-many, many-to-many).

  3. Create Tables: For each entity, create tables with appropriate fields (e.g., user_id, username, email).


User Table:

  • user_id (Primary Key)

  • username

  • email

  • password_hash

Order Table:

  • order_id (Primary Key)

  • user_id (Foreign Key)

  • order_date

  • total_amount

API Endpoints Creation

What Are API Endpoints?

API endpoints are URLs that allow different parts of your app or external services to communicate with your backend. They enable data exchange and functionality integration.

How to Set Up API Endpoints

  1. Identify Required Endpoints: Based on your user stories, determine which actions require API endpoints (e.g., user login, data retrieval).

  2. Define Endpoint Structure: Use RESTful principles to structure your endpoints (e.g., GET /users, POST /login).

  3. Implement Endpoint Logic: Write the backend logic to handle requests and responses for each endpoint.


  • GET /users: Retrieve a list of users.

  • POST /login: Authenticate a user and return a session token.

We have created custom GPTs with tailored instructions. You can utilize them with ChatGPT 4.0. - Bravo Product Manager - Bravo Technical Architect - Database - Bravo Technical Architect - Endpoints

By following these stepsโ€”defining user stories, designing your database schema, and setting up API endpointsโ€”youโ€™ll establish a solid foundation for your app development project. This groundwork will enhance your development process, improve team collaboration, and ensure a clear and organized approach to building your app.

Remember, thorough planning and documentation are key to successful app development.

Last updated