Add an editor to your app

This feature is only available on Team plan

Add someone as an editor of the app that you are doing. The Teams plan provides you the flexibility to up to 10 collaborators and grant them Editor permissions allowing effective teamwork on your app development.

How to add an Editor to your app?

Here are the steps to add an Editor to your app:

  1. Open your app in Bravo.

  2. Click on the three dots at the top right of the screen and select the "Share" option.

  1. In the pop-up, enter the email of the person you want to invite as an editor.

  2. By default, the next tab is set to "Preview only". Change it to "Editor".

  1. To share this app with other Editors, move the collection to the app. Go to User API collection section to change it or simply click on "Make this app shareable".

  1. Finally, click on "Invite".

  2. Et Voilà! 📬 The invitee will receive an email notifying them of the app invitation. We recommend checking their spam folder to ensure they don't miss it.

8. Once on Bravo Vision, they will see your app under "Apps".

Manage invitees

The emails you have shared the app with will appear below in a list. If the invitee does not have an account with Bravo, the circle icon will appear grey. Once the editor has logged in, the circle icon will turn into a coloured icon.

How to remove Editor permissions?

  • Click the X next to the email.

  • A confirmation modal will appear. If you confirm, the Editor will no longer see your app in their Bravo projects list.

Last updated